Castle Keepers



by Christian Warrior Training and Washington Gun Law  Keith Graves: Welcome to Christian Warrior Training. I got William Kirk from the Washington Gun Law. It's awesome to have you. Thanks for having me. It's a little bit of a fanboy. ...

What's an assault weapon? by Next 9 News

Reporter Assault weapons. What is the definition of an assault weapon? The effort by Democrats and the state legislature to ban the sale of assault weapons in Colorado requires a couple pages. Just to define what constitutes an assault weapon. ...

This Could Be the Next Big Case by Gun Owners of America

Hello everyone and welcome back to the channel for newer reviewers of the channel. I am a former resident of Massachusetts and as such I do like to cover some of the state's stories to highlight how happy I am ...

State Goes After Pro-Gun Cop by Liberty Doll

Hello everyone and welcome back to the channel for newer reviewers of the channel. I am a former resident of Massachusetts and as such I do like to cover some of the state's stories to highlight how happy I am ...

Should You Ignore Gun Free Zone Signs? by Iraqveteran8888

Welcome back everybody, Eric here, and I'm continuing my gun question series. I've gotten a lot of good feedback on this and I really hope you guys are enjoying these videos where I just take your questions from Twitter and ...

Shockwave “firearm” mistakes that could get YOU arrested by Gilbert Ambler

Hi, I'm firearms attorney Gilbert Ambler, and I'm back today to talk about those other firearms and specifically things like the Mossberg Shockwave or the Remington tack. 14 things that fire shotgun shells, firearms that fire shotgun shells, but are ...

Road Rage: When Drawing Your Firearm Is Justified by Lethal Lifestyle TV

Joe: Road rage. A heated moment is boiling over and it's going to turn face-to-face and personal. At what point in time is it appropriate for you as the law abiding citizen to draw your firearm and maybe even ultimately ...

National Reciprocity Is it Happening? By Armed Attorneys

Richard: We wake up tomorrow, been signed into law, already been challenged in the courts. It's in place. We have national reciprocity. Jump in your RV drive all over the United States. See the beautiful country. What is a huge ...

National Reciprocity Dilemma: How will they try to stop it? By Gilber Ambler

I am firearms attorney Gilbert Ambler, and I'm back today with a very exciting topic, which is the idea that we might actually see national reciprocity. Today. I want to talk about if we get national reciprocity, in what form ...

Judge Destroys New York's Concealed Carry Ban on Private Property - Is Your Right to Carry Restored? By USCCA

Steven: Now in this video we're going to be discussing a district court case that came out a few days ago out of New York. The case is called Christian V. James, and it was by the plaintiff's, an attack ...


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    Waldorf, MD 20601
  • Phone: 301-385-7990
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